PagesPat's Ponderings

Monday, September 16, 2024

Congratulations to Miss Flower Garden Troll of the Year


I couldn't resist altering another vintage troll before the Fall season is upon us. Her name is Rose, and she is a horticulturalist with a flair for fashion. She just won this year's Miss Flower Garden Troll contest (no such thing, I'm making it up. My blog, my rules). Here she is posing for her fans in a gorgeous wall hanging my daughter made for her room.

After removing her original hair, I used a lone red rose for her new "do". Its leaves form her dress. She has accessorized her outfit with red earrings and painted her toe and finger nails a matching red as well. The rose is for her Auntie Pearl, whom was featured in an earlier post along with Pearl's hubby of many years, Blue. They were in the audience with their foster daughter, Carroteen, the night Rose won her title.

She's now off on a world-wide tour, visiting trolls in many countries and making new friends. She hopes to bring back cuttings and seedlings of the various flowers she finds during her travels. If you see her on one of her many stops, please give her a warm welcome. She's left you an autographed copy of her photo below...

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Busy as a Bee


My summer has been full of garage sales, decluttering, writing poetry, getting a new privacy fence, replacing appliances and electronics (out of necessity) and planning a trip to meet up with my sis-in-law and her spouse. In addition to that I just signed up for a craft fair and have been swamped with projects in preparation for that. The event is one week after vacay, and I want to be completely ready, down to packing, monies, layout, pricing, inventory, etc. And I'm one tiny step away from being ready. I just did a mock-up of my Halloween craft display and it looks good. Next is my Christmas display. I'm taking photos so I know where things go once I can set up...

So in celebration of my organization and focus, I took a break and crafted a few items that are not on my craft fair inventory list. Above is the wall decor I made for my daughter. Her emotional support dog, Honeycomb, is her love, and now she has a piece of artwork to remind her. I bought a grab bag of crafty leftovers and was able to come up with this sign. The piece of wood is from my garage. I used Tim Holtz Distress Stain to make it dark before adhering the banner flags and the honey bees. A quick, simple project (I love those).

What's on your calendar? I'm still decluttering and organizing. I'm still in the dark tunnel of too much stuff, but I can see light peeking though the piles of stuff I still need to find homes for. I wanted to be finished by Christmas but I don't think I'll make it. Ah, well, I can add it to my New Year's Resolutions for 2025!? LOL

Monday, September 9, 2024

Meet the New Family Member - Sweet Carroteen the Troll


My troll makeovers are continuing over the summer. Blue and Pearl, previously featured, have welcomed a new member to their family, Sweet Carroteen. She is one of three new trolls I picked up and the first of them to make over. 

I was inspired to recreate her when I was organizing my basement after last weekend's garage sale. I found a Dollar Store faux succulent and thought it would look nice atop a small vintage troll. I pulled out the troll's hair and it fit very well, reminding me of a carrot. And so the orange paint went on!

The succulent and the moss underneath it act as the greens of a fresh-from-the-garden carrot (use your imagination). At first I painted her body and dress orange, but her personality was lost in that wash of color. So I repainted her, giving her a paler skin tone. She wears a fancy orange dress that she blinged herself (with a little help from me).

Blue and Pearl have taken her in, as she was wandering around a thrift store without parents. She doesn't remember her name or  if she even has parents. So until she remembers or a troll couple come to claim her, they are fostering her, giving her love and guidance and 3 squares a day. She's a very happy girl!

I hope you like my newest troll makeover. I have two more vintage trolls to re-fashion in the coming weeks. It might take a while, as I have just signed up for a booth at a local craft fair to sell all my Halloween and Christmas decor I crafted last year. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Peacock Feather Pens - So Cute!

 While shopping at a crystal shop with my daughter this summer, I spied the cashier using a pen decorated with a peacock feather. She offered to let me take a photo of it and I made a few of them to give out as small holiday gifts this year.

I removed the caps and ink cartridges from my pens before spraying them gold. When dry, I used air dry clat to affix the feathers into the pen tops. The tops appeared lumpy, so I would gold crystal-like ribbon around the clay after painting it gold to match the pens. I had more but I gave away a few of them before taking a photo  for the blog. People seem to like them...

The pens were from a Staples clearance sale, and I made sure they all still worked. The peacock feathers were from last year's thrift shop purchase. each pkg of three cost me $1 and held three feathers. I used two feathers on each pen.

I actually sold these at the craft fair in which I participated at the end of summer. I thought they'd make nice little holiday gifts. At the time, I figured if they didn't sell, U could always use them for little gifts as well.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Meet Pearl and Blue - Fun Vintage Troll Makeovers


While surfing a flea market last week, I came upon 2 vintage Trolls that were popular when I was a teen/young adult. They called to me, singing, "Buy us Pat. We need makeovers..." So of course I bought them and played with them. Their names are Pearl and Blue.

I've seen these trolls pop up on Pinterest sporting faux succulents for hair. I didn't have any plants that I liked, so I hunted down alternate "hair" for my little guys. For the old man, I found the perfect flower petal. I really had to work hard to give Blue an extreme haircut, but afterwards the flower fit perfectly on his head. Not pictured is the small butterfly that is resting on his flowers. I also gave him a bowtie and eyebrows.

I treated Pearl the same when it came to cutting off her hair. I have a huge collection of pearls and beads for crafting, so I wanted to make her sparkle. Besides her new do, I gave her a pearl necklace and earrings to match. 

Not a huge makeover, but one that I enjoyed doing. And Blue and Pearl seem to like their new looks, so it's a win-win...

Challenges I am ENtering:

Love to Craft - Anything Goes

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Makers Gotta Make

 I was cleaning out my craft supply bins the other day and found treasure in my jewelry/beads bin. I pulled out stretchy string, beads, pearls, paint, wire cutter and a metal disc. It was a puzzle. The disc had holes enough to hang strings of beads and such from it and I sorted through the beads & pearls to get a nice colored assortment. I was on a mission...

I painted the disc on both sides in my fave colors-teal and aqua.. Those are the colors of my back deck. I attached tied a length of string to one of the holes and started beading. When I was satisfied with the length, I finished with some irregularly-shaped glass beads that looked like sea glass.

I did this until I had five lengths of shiny, colorful beads. I added a string to the top and made a loop for hanging and now I have a new sun catcher! I used hot glue on all the tiny knots I tied to keep them from pulling open and spilling my beads on the ground. My sun catcher looks awesome in the afternoon when the sun is on the west side and lights up my deck. Unfortunately I photographed it before I hung it outside...

Now that that bin is organized, I think I'll make a few of these. If I find the right colors, I can make one for Christmas and one for Halloween. Maybe I'll hang those inside...

Challenges I am Entering:

  Creative Artists - Anything Mixed Media Goes

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

'shrooms and Photoshop

I have a fondness for fungus in nature. I take photos of them in my neighborhood, in the woods and anywhere I can capture their beauty. While walking my terrier, Honey, I've taken loads of pics of mushrooms growing on my neighbors' front yards. The city replaced several trees on their parkways in the Spring, so it was a good summer to see a lot of different varieties. I captured the 'shroom above basking in the sunlight. It was a perfect angle for the shot.

I then went home and uploaded it to my laptop and played with it in Photoshop. I didn't need to enhance or change the actual fungus--it was perfect! But I added some "accessories" to my scene. With the first, I added more mushrooms from previous photoshoots and popped a fairy into the scene.  

With the second scene, I cropped it close and added a photo of a garden gnome from another neighbor's yard. The gnome in this case was pure white cement, so I colored in his clothes and  beard to make my fantasy figure a little bit more believable (that doesn't even make sense, but...).

You never know what you'll discover when you take a walk, whether it's in the city, the suburbs, the countryside or an island. Happy hunting!!

Monday, July 22, 2024

Dollar Tree Magic for a Summer Wedding

Imagine a wedding venue where the desserts are 2-bite Bundtinis from Nothing Bundt Bakery and there are 300 of them!! The tiny bites of bliss required some kind of tiered arrangements on which to offer them, So off to my local Dollar Store I went.  My haul included 10 each of three sizes of plates/platters and 4 packages of champagne glasses.

I used both hot glue and E6000 to adhere my "pieces" together and voila! I have ten 3-tiered serving pieces for the wedding venue (drops the mike). 

Challenges I am Entering:
  Moving along with the Times - Clean & Simple
Krafty Chicks - Clean & Simple
Unicorn Challenges - Not a Square

Friday, July 19, 2024

New-to-Me Technique - Hammering Flowers

Today I wandered around the neighborhood, looking for inspiration. I can always find it in nature, sure enough I was admiring all the bright colors blooming in neighbors' yards. Asking for permission first, I gathered up a few glowers and/or petals and brought them home to try something new (to me) - hammered flowers.
I decided to use a T-shirt, and prepared it by soaking it in a mixture of milk and Epsom salts. I used a hybrid version of a binder for improving the colors and staying powers of the flowers' imprint. Most Pinterest posts said using soy milk or ash for tie-dyeing but I had none.  
I placed my shirt on a king-sized cutting board I inherited from my mom, then covered my soon-to-be canvas with parchment paper since I had no wax paper. Next came the hammer, and I had a good, intense workout pounding the flowers into my shirt. 
After allowing the flowers to dry a bit, I removed them to admire my new artwork. Hmmm! Maybe haphazard was the wrong way to place the blooms. And the red left a brownish dye color. And the leaves didn't leave their mark much. And some of the prints were unrecognizable. And maybe I should have practiced on watercolor paper first...
Anyway, I learned a new technique and am going to practice what I preach and try this technique on watercolor paper (arranging the blooms artfully). A little progress every day adds up...
Challenges I am Entering:
  Creative Fingers - Anything Goes
  Creative Inspiration - ANything Goes

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

My Kind of Town...

Frank Sinatra sang it well in the 1964 movie "Robin and the Seven Hoods". The song, "My Kind of Town, Chicago is", was nominated for the Academy Awards that year, but lost out to "Chim Chim Cheree" by Dick Van Dyke.  That song and a new-to-me painting technique inspired me to create my canvas today. It features the Chicago city skyline and a sky exploding with fireworks.

I started with a white canvas, using a free clipart of the Chicago skyline to cover the bottom before painting the top of my canvas black. Using metallic acrylic paints (copper, gold, silver, green & blue), I created a "stamp" out of a cardboard paper roll, snipping its end with scissors and fanning it out before dipping it into various paints and pressing onto the canvas (this is the new-to-me technique).  As I worked from top to bottom, I rolled smaller versions of my "stamp" so the fireworks looked smaller as they neared the cityscape.

I really think it turned out well. I'm going to seal it with gloss vanish before hanging it up in my house. 
Happy 4th of July, everyone! And Happy Birthday, Wendy!
Challenges I am Entering:
Little Red Wagon - Light It Up
DL Art -  July
Halloween & Other Occasions - celebrate your Country

Monday, July 1, 2024

Leaping into Inspiration

I was out walking Honey, my little terrier, and as I passed the house of a good friend and neighbor, I saw a rusty, older-than-dirt garden deco in the tiny patch of garden where the lamppost resides. He was one ugly toad, but he still managed a big smile. The "before" photo is below.

The photo above features the happy little frog after giving him a makeover. I sanded most of his surface and put on a layer of white gesso. The I pulled out my acrylics and gave him a healthy new look. I even painted the back of Mr. Happy (my name for him) so it would retard the rust. Then I sealed front and back with Gloss varnish and he now looks like he's leaping for joy. Below, he's pretending to be happy but I could tell he wanted a little help...

 Challenges I am Entering:

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Time for a Little Poetry

Some people are going to remember the summer of 2024 as The Summer of the 17-year Cicada Invasion" . Others will call it the Cicada Family Reunion. Most will call it The Summer the Trees Screamed. 

It was a true invasion, with people covering young trees and their ears and sweeping their sidewalks. Cicadas are all about singing for a mate, and their "songs" can make conversation outdoors a tad impossible. Some days it was hard to walk without stepping on a few dozen with every house I passed. They are also poor flyers, bouncing off of windshields and people as their 2-inch bodies move around.

But Nature has a way of inspiring artists to create, whether it be a blossoming tree, a butterfly hovering, or an ugly little bug. So I created not one, but two Haiku poems to commemorate this summer:

Fat are the birds now,
enjoying all-you-can eat
Cicada Buffet.

Can't see the sidewalk
beyond the cicada shells
crackling under foot.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Whimsical Muse at Work

I love finding metal artwork at the thrift stores. I don't really care about the color scheme...I just want to bring it home and paint it myself! The decor above is 3'x3' and was painted black, olive and red?! That had to change, so it came home with me that day.

I spent a couple days sanding then giving it a nice clean base coat. Then I took out my brushes and acrylics and started with the sunflowers. I eventually added other colors and started filling in backgrounds. It reminds me of the Disney animated movie "Alice in Wonderland". After sealing it with pouring gloss varnish, I hung it on the back wall of my deck. My deck is slowing coming to life, with fake potted plants in the corners, new cushions for the chairs, a newly-painted metal table and other artwork. I just need a day where the temperature is under 90 degrees so I can sit and relax and sip my iced tea and read a cozy mystery...
Challenges I am Entering:
Through the Purple Haze - Anything Goes
My Time to Craft - Summer Florals
Ellibelle's Corner -(I Spy w/my Little Eye) Something Blooming Lovely
Sisterhood of Crafters - In the Garden

Friday, June 21, 2024

A Birthday Gift for My Daughter


My daughter is all about positive mantras and self-love (in a good way)> He birthday is coming up next month. AS a matter of fact, she was born on the 4th of July. She's into crystals, Ghibli anime and spreading kindness like confetti.

I chose to create a canvas for her. She likes mushrooms, hedgehogs, and all things dogs. An occasional frog will catch her eye. So I stalked Pinterest for some ideas and found a cute pin that included both a  frog and mushrooms. I drew my own take on the pin, using colors I thought she would like. 

I painted over one of my older canvases due to a shortage of canvases in my house! I have done a LOT of decluttering, but have not got rid of any canvases, so they're either leaving of their own accord, or I've been painting more than I realized! I used acrylic paints on a stretched canvas. I think she'll like it...

I just ordered something from EBay to add to my gifts for her, a little something she has expressed a desire for. And I plan to take her to her favorite restaurant to celebrate. How blessed am I that I am able to give her these gifts! That's about all for now. I'm working on a large metal wall hanging that will go out on my back deck, in addition to adding to my craft fair inventory for this Fall. Hope you'll come back to see the results!!

Challenges I am Entering:
Crafty Animals - Anything w/an animal Goes
Critter Crazy - Anything w/a critter Goes

Monday, June 17, 2024

Inspired by C. S. Lewis and the Path of Positivity challenge blog

 Hello, crafters! Today's make is an 18" round wooden canvas. Using acrylic paints, I created several layers by painting and pressing leaves from a neighbor's tree onto the wood. I used a wash (water and green paint mix) in between each layer of leaves. The covered layers of leaves were painted with Titanium white paint, while the top layer has a mix of white and green leaf imprints. It gives the canvas a lot of dimension, don't you think? I finished off the canvas with a coat of loss varnish.

The Path of Positivity challenge blog offers a challenge this month with an optional twist: be inspired by a few quotes regarding Dreams and/or Goals. I chose one by C. S. Lewis:

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” ― C.S. Lewis

I've always wanted a summer getaway ever since Girl Scout camp when I was younger. Just before COVID hit (and after turning 60+), my dream came true. I now own an RV in a park close to Starved Rock State Park in Illinois. I've spent many enjoyable days at the pool, met wonderful park neighbors and toasted many a marshmallow around the campfire on summer nights.

                                       Enjoying s'mores with nephew and his family last Fall

My trailer overlooks a small ravine so that I can hear the water flowing past after a good rain. It's hard to find as it's completely surrounded by trees. and i can't wait to get out there again! It's a dream come true, even if I did have to wait a few decades...

How do your dreams or goals inspire you?  Come show us at the Path of Positivity challenge blog this month!!

Challenges I am Entering:
Simon Says - Let's Paint

Friday, June 14, 2024

My Colorful Path

Besides being an eclectic crafter, I am also a writer. I've been writing since the second grade when my teacher, Sister Carlene, told my parents that writing was my calling. Through most of the first part of the year, I've had a touch of writer's block. However, the weather recently in my neck of the woods has not only left us with cloudy skies and a river almost overflowing its banks, but quite a few rainbows. I have a whole spectrum of colors from which to inspire my creativity and writing today.

Colors often stimulate emotions in all of us. As I walk through the changing of seasons, from Spring to Summer, I look down, seeing the brilliant green of well-watered grass and look up to see the plentiful shades of green as leaves wave in the breeze of trees finally awakened by sun and rain.. Green to me is a sign of rebirth, of beginnings. To others, it's also a color of envy and dissatisfaction. It amuses me to think about the phrase "the grass is always greener on the other side." It's all a matter of appreciation. If you keep looking ahead, you will miss out on the wonders of what surrounds you now. You'll miss the beauty of your own "grass."

As I write, the day is overcast and grey. Is grey a color? I know Crayola has a crayon or two labeled grey, but it's just a messy merging of black and white, as if each can't make up its mind - should I be black or white, sunny or cloudy, happy or sad... Not my favorite color, especially when I'm painting and I merge the paints a little too much and that's what I get, a grey canvas - ugh. But just like art, grey has a place in life. No one is completely good or evil, honest or dishonest, and situations can become a confusing grey quickly. I'm not a fan of conflict and confrontation-maybe that's why I don't like grey? But I can't ignore it either, so instead of taking a shortcut or deserting my path, I try to press on. Sometimes the shortest distance between two points is working out differences or misunderstandings with others walking beside you...

Blue is one of my favorite colors. There are so many shades, and when I want to relax, I can (most days) sit outside on my deck and look up.  I've written more poems about the sky than I can count. Most of my vacations are spent near water, where the blues brighten and swirl and cerate lovely shades of cerulean and aquamarine and teal. Scientists have studied colors and emotions and have found that blue is the most relaxing color in the spectrum. Regarding personality, blue often represents creativity and innovation. Maybe that's why BLUE jeans are more comfortable than Black jeans?! LOL

Back on the Path, the flowers show off their colors after having struggled to escape their earthen slumber. Before my eyes is a botanical runway of high fashion in reds, yellows and oranges. Even some of the bushes join the line-up, the burning bush with its leaves of fire-engine red and the forsythia with its vivid yellow ones. There's no ignoring those colors, and they give me a rush of energy and motivation. How about you?

I could go on and on, sine there are as many shades of colors as there are fish in the sea. I'm so thankful I have the ability to see and appreciate the colors that nature offers us. On my list of Christmas presents to buy for family, I want to purchase a pair of those special glasses for color-blind people. My dad was colorblind, so I carry the gene (as does my daughter) and when my son was born, sure enough, he was colorblind. I would love to give him the gift of the scintillating bounty of color.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Spilling Things onto Canvas

 Today I felt like drawing, so I took out my trusty gel pen, opened my art journal and drew a tree- a naked tree. Instead of filling in its leaves, I decided to break out the watercolors and gave the tree trunk and its branches a bit of life. It wasn't until I saw the paint dry that whimsy took over and I opened the kitchen cabinets, looking to find some "leaves".

My first find was a container of dried parsley. I tossed some onto my page and fell in love with my new canvas! I was going to move my journal but the way the sun shone through the open blinds onto the pages caught my eye and I was happy to take the photo before sweeping the oregano off the page..

And then I was off on a hunt to find more next find came out of a drawer of baking decorations. I thought the stars would be interesting, so...

I love the way it looks. I just wish I could figure out a way to frame each canvas. While walking Honey, my terrier mix rescue, I spied several tiny branches that were similar to full-grown trees. I picked them up for inspiration. Now I will broaden my search for more entertaining ways to create "leaves" for my trees. I'll feature them in another post. Until then, keep crafting!

Challenges I am Entering:
  A Place to Start - Anything but a Card
Art*Journal*Journey - What Makes You Happy
DL.Art - Anything Goes
  Four Seasons - Anything Summer Goes
WeLove2Create - Anything Mixed Media Goes

Monday, June 10, 2024

Painting with Me, Myself and I

I love when Spring rolls out its lush carpet to welcome Summer. I get truly inspired by all the blooms and blossoms every time I walk out my door. So after finishing a canvas for an upcoming Arts Festival, I pulled out a couple small stretched canvases and let Mother Nature guide my brush.

I used several shades of green with light sweeps of the paintbrush. Once dry, I tried a new to me technique that's been showing on YouTube for a while. Using a balloon of=r plastic bag, I dipped it into a select variety of paint colors. I then pressed the painted (crinkled) bottom of the bag onto the canvas and these awesomely abstract flowers bloomed in front of my eyes. If you like to paint and haven't tried this technique yet, I highly recommend it! It's fast, easy and fun!!

Challenges I am Entering:

Dream Valley - Summer Colors
Beautiful Blossoms - Anything Flowers Goes
Mirtillamente - Anything Goes
Pinspirational - Flowers


Friday, June 7, 2024

Looking for Your Happy Place

Everyone has a Happy Place. A place, whether a physical location, passionate activity or rush of memories, that brings a smile to our lips and a warm feeling to our souls. Somewhere we can feel safe, or liberated, or just plain glad to be alive.

Sometimes Life throws out roadblocks and detours to slow you down on the path toward your Happy place. You have to remember that you're not alone. There are family members, from grandparents all the way down to grandchildren, to walk with you. Friends are great companions, too. Especially the ones who make you laugh when you stumble. Neighbors, school moms, church members, doctors, fellow students, co-workers. They're all over the place, throughout your entire life. At times you start out walking with them; other times you meet them on the path.

Sometimes you have to be mindful of what's on your path at the moment and savor the good things. Look up to find rainbows and race with the clouds, look down so you don't miss tiny pedestrians sharing your path and blossoms of joy. Look ahead in anticipation and look behind in fond memory.

Sometimes you have to be brave and seek out hidden treasures of happiness - they could be just out of sight. Don't give up! The path toward Happiness is paved with surprises, love, hope, kind acts given and received, family, friends, achievements, and faith. It takes the weight of the world off your shoulders at times and makes the journey worth every step, every stumble, every detour and every discovery.

I'd like you to try what I call the Smiles Collection Challenge. Yesterday I went to my doctor's appointment. Where I park is a long way from the building. I challenged myself to "collect" 10 smiles from those I passed on my way in. Sometimes just a cheery Good morning and a smile got me a smile in return. Can you collect at least ten smiles in one day? Let me know! I bet you'll have one happy day!

The above is a reprint from an essay I wrote for the Path of Positivity back in 2019. After COVID, mass shootings, political upheaval, war and new health threats, I thought this would be a nice read for those who have forgotten where to find by Jill Humbert, my sister-in-law

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

All about ME

Today's make is a journal page I created using gel pen, markers, diecuts and fun quotes printed off of Pinterest. I have enjoyed a sudden and prolific burst of inspiration, and wanted to highlight this week of artistic endeavors with a new page in my journal.

While most of the quotes I collected are about ART, some just describe the way I'm feeling right now, including my insatiable appetite for cozy mysteries. Honestly, I'm swallowing them so fast I'm surprised I don't have ink on my lips!!

This week I've painted three canvases, tried two new techniques, prepared a large metal wall hanging to alter/upcycle and gathered supplies to create some fun specialty pens. I hope to have them on hand for the Fall craft fair I'm selling at this year. These tasks are in addition to my never-ending de-cluttering project. I've started cleaning out the garage. I'm storing the winter tools and supplies, bringing out the summer items, and filling the trash can with stuff that I never should have kept to begin with! 

How is your month coming along? I hope it's a creative one!

Challenges I am ENTERING:
Art*Journal*Journey  - What Makes You Happy


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

A Hoarder's Serenity Prayer


So it's been almost six months since i started my deep decluttering project. Emotionally, I was in a state of overwhelming despair. Even thinking about the clutter in my house kept me from action; seeing the clutter made me angry but left me drained of energy.

It all started with the sales of my mom's and gram's houses after my sisters and I lost them. It was difficult to give away so many years of memories, especially for my youngest sister. In order to get the houses ready for sale, I promised her I'd store some of the things she couldn't make a decision on keeping or not. Temporarily.

It's been over three years and my basement is still full of mom's collectibles, trading cards and some furniture I'm not interested in. My garage has more of the same. I have to admit that 30% of the clutter is my own, craft supplies that were overflowing, unused since I got them or otherwise not necessary.

My healthcare system offered a program called Whole Health, which covered help and support in all the facets of a person's health: physical, emotional, spiritual, social, psychological and environmental. I jumped at the chance to get my life back together (and my house). Starting with identifying my needs, which to me were physical health and improving my environment (which ultimately led to emotional).

Since I started in this program, I have sold a  rare set of limited edition books and several bins and boxes of trading cards, the proceeds which were added to my mom's estate. I've also donated four trash bags full of craft supplies and kits to a young aspiring crafter, as well as a local family resource center. The Salvation Army has received several donations of clothing, small furniture and misc. items as well. My recycling and garbage cans have reached record highs on trash day. I also have pied up numerous EMPTY storage tubs, bins and baskets!

I still have a long way to go. But I can already start to breathe more easily. I take it one day at a time, even one trip to the basement at a time. When I do the laundry, I either pick something up and put it away, or clean out a drawer or shelf.  My basement is not ready for me to invite people over. When it is, and it will be, I'm going to celebrate with a Brunch and invite family, friends and neighbors together to celebrate life.

Meanwhile, I rewrote the Serenity Prayer for fellow hoarders and craftaholics, and hope that they be inspired to take their first step toward freedom and organization in their own environment. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Come Sail Away with the Path of Positivity Challenge this month


I created a yarn canvas. After drawing my scene from scratch, I enlarged it and copied it onto my 16x20 canvas. To keep me on track, I colored in the different sections with markers. I then gathered up my cotton yarns and cording and spent over a week adhering strips of yarn onto my canvas. Every inch of my canvas is covered with cotton and I have the blisters (hot glue gun) and headaches (E6000) to prove it. LOL

Tis is my first time making one of these. I call it "Come Sail Away" and I chose to use it as my DT project because I've always wanted to travel. After I retired, I've visited Florida, Germany, Cozumel, Arizona, Massachusetts, Texas, Cancun and been on a 2-week cruise with my sisters to the Caribbean. Later this year I'm meeting family in Hawaii. I am achieving my dreams and goals, even if it's taken me years to finally be able to do so.

The lesson I learned is to never give up on your goals and dreams. Work on them. Plan how to achieve them. Save money if it's needed. And when your dreams/goals come true, know that you deserve to relax and enjoy them, and feel proud to have reached them...

The The Path of Positivity is challenging crafters to create something inspired by Dreams or Goals. I was inspired by the quote offered on their blog:
“Goals are dreams brought to life.” ― Amy Leigh Mercree
 It's their last challenge before taking a summer break. Any type of project is welcome, so I hope to see your creation there this month!
Challenges I am Entering:
 A Place to Start - Anything goes w/optional Anything but a card
 -Make my Monday - B is for...BOAT
Classic Design - Anything Goes w/optional Masculine
  Love to craft Anything Goes
Four Seasons - Anything Summer Goes

Monday, May 20, 2024

The Power of Words- A Path of Positivity Challenge

 I had some time to play on the computer this week and managed to create a digital scene, gathering up images and photos from various sources and working into the finished scene. The optional theme for the POP challenge is the Power of Words - Art/Creativity. I take a lot of inspiration from nature. My mantra is "There is no E-A-R-T-H without A-R-T". What can I say, I'm an English major who loves words!

The background is a photo my cousin took. She lives in Tennessee. The fairy is a free image from the Graphics Fairy. The deer is a photo I took last summer while at my summer trailer. It's very close to four state parks, but the deer was walking in the ravine's creek which flows past my trailer.

While walking my dog around the neighborhood, I spied a village of mushrooms a few houses down, and added them to the scene. Finally, there's a brown bear crawling up a tree in the background. He was caught on camera while vacationing a few years ago in the Smokey Mountains.

I've actually printed my digital picture and put a nice frame around it. It reminds me to keep my eyes open to Mother Nature's own creativity.

The Path of Positivity offers monthly challenges with optional themes. Today is the midway point of the challenge. Make sure you check it out for your chance to win digital images from Scribbles Designs.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

A Special Card for a Special Event

Between my sister's visit from Germany, decluttering, Spring cleaning, a garage sale and a million other things, I still carved out enough time to create a card for an upcoming wedding I'm attending. I had enough patterned papers left over from "the purge", as well as lace, stickers, and adhesive bling to make this (and many more) card. My paper hoard stack is down to about a foot high now and neatly organized. I found my stickers quickly in the file folder labeled Love & Weddings, and my bins of lace and adhesive pearls and jewels were easily reached in identical bins. However, from design through prep to finished project, it still took me most of the afternoon.
Of course, our dog is on a special meal plan, eating prescription dog food every two hours, which leads to more frequent walks. I also had a video dr. appointment and ran a few errands, but I must say that the time spent creating this card was well spent. I really like the way it turned out. It measures 6x8 inches, fitting into an envelope I rescued from a thrift store find. In fact, except for the paper and stickers, everything else was a thrift find, from the lace to the metallic border.
Here's the inside:

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Things are Starting to Bloom


Spring may be on the calendar, but Winter refuses to let go! There's a chance for snow in the forecast for tomorrow night!! Meanwhile, I've started to create new deck decor out of a few metal pieces I found last year. This is one way I can declutter my garage while keeping my hand in creating new art.

I also have a few frames in the garage that need to be filled and hung on my house walls, which will have to wait until I paint or print what I want to frame. But back to my floral metal work. It was a dull unstained metal structure. Even the flowers had no color to them. At first I was thinking of my front deck and different shades of blues, but that deck is going in a different direction, and my back deck is looking bare. So I used a few bright Spring colors of acrylic paints for my flowers after spray painting the branches white.

My deck opens with French doors from my bedroom, a zoning concession made for my wheelchair-bound husband. It is also much bigger than the limits the city usually has. The VA rehabbed the house, requiring two accessible for motorized wheelchairs. The four front steps and landing were covered by the deck and ramp. I didn't want the contractor to mess with the backdoor as its door also led to the basement, so I suggested a deck with the French doors. 

The handicapped access part of the deck was a Lift with a dedicated electrical box. We also had stairs from the deck to the backyard. Sadly, my husband didn't get to enjoy the deck for very long, but when he sat out in the sun, he enjoyed every minute! 

Monday, April 1, 2024

With Spring Comes New Deck Decor

Decluttering is catching--really! My sister was ready to donate a set of three faux native American pottery pieces before I swooped in last Fall and took them home with me. It took me six months to play with them, but one of them is now decorating my back deck. I used different colors than were original, but I noticed immediately that it was a ceramic piece that someone painted and fired up. I think they go well on my deck, and you will see more photos as I "deck" my deck as Spring comes fully into bloom.

I used acrylic paints. The blue seemed a little too intense, so I had to brush and lightly wipe away some silver paint to tone it down. I can't wait to play with its matching piece (at least in size). The last piece is slightly bigger and I already put it out on my front deck (no pics, sorry). But I didn't do anything to it... 

I really love to take thrift store finds and cast offs from neighbors (and sometimes sisters) and give them new life. Do you like it? With all the decluttering I've been doing, I plan to entertain often this summer. I now have an (almost) cleared out) basement, my house is well into its Spring cleaning shift, and my deck should be awesome for parties. Anybody live in the Chicagoland area?

Meanwhile, just because it's the end of the month, I'm not abandoning my decluttering. I still have hills (at least it's no longer mountains) of craft supplies to weed through and keep or donate

Monday, March 25, 2024

Fruits of My Labor


When I started this decluttering challenge, I was looking for a more organized and less cramped craft area. The broader goal was to feel less anxious about the state of my surroundings. Ever since my sisters and I cleaned out my mom's and gram's houses after they passed, I've been storing furniture, collectables and memorabilia for one of them. It was supposed to be temporary! It's been two years.

While the major part of the basement is filled with this inheritance, my craft supplies were overflowing and unorganized as well. So this month I tasked myself with attacking my supplies with a heavy hand. Having a budding new crafter to whom I am donating my stash has really motivated me. 

We are almost to the end of March. I set my goals for the 31st of this month. That's when my other sister who lives in Germany will be visiting for a month. Here's a peek at my progress. The photo above doesn't show all the cardboard boxes that I broke down and recycled, as well as the things that weren't worth donating. 

My basement is still full of bins and boxes of the "inherited" stuff, but as soon as my one sister goes back to her home in Germany, I'm pinning my other sister down to a reasonable estimate for removal of those items from my house (and garage). 

Maybe I can start to actually craft downstairs again!  gasp Or even entertain friends for the holidays!! Um, maybe by Christmas...


Friday, March 22, 2024

Something Fun and Different


After spending a short time decluttering (again), I uncovered a small wooden box with a cut-out top. Just a plain old unfinished wood box measuring about 7"x9". I still had a small pile of designer papers from which to choose my framed cover, and cut out small pieces from another paper (bird, heart, thing in right bottom corner) before covering it with glass.

I painted the sides with Posca markers, but left the top unfinished wood. I added a line of small pearls around the top border, and added a line of adhesive dots to the inside top of the frame. I could have stopped there, but...I had a packet of flowers and a glue gun plugged in. So I created a spray of sunshine and added a set of charms with the theme of Wanderlust.

My box now has a place in my bedroom for trinkets and stuff.  It was totally worth taking the time off from decluttering my stash or creating cards from the leftovers. Tomorrow I'll be back to work creating an organized craft area. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Steady as She Goes

 Just went through my desk drawers in the basement. I decluttered all the school notebooks, dividers, report covers, file folders, and assorted stationery. Now one drawer holds that kind of stationery, while the other drawer holds hanging folders of memorabilia due for scrapbooking.

After that rewarding chore, I sat down with my box of leftover goodies and created another batch of cards, along with one more bookmark. I have to ask myself, who still reads real printed books? I know I and my sisters do. Many of my friends read both printed and online books, but there are several who only read on their Nook or Kindle.

I can't say it matters either way. I love books, I love reading, whatever the media, and children love getting bookmarks (and some adults). The cards are all put together from pieces and bits of crafting supplies. There's even a lone novelty playing card with Charlie Brown and Snoopy on a birthday card. I used to belong to a Yahoo group that offered challenges like on Blogger. Sometimes a challenge would pop up that asked a crafter to use what was lying on their crafting desk/table. That's kind of what I'm doing, only I gather up the extras I've discovered while decluttering and bagged them for cardmaking later.

Next on my declutter list is the small stuff. That's right, the jewels, brads, Skittles, etc., that have been housed in t tool tower with 50 small clear bins. Maybe (no promises) I'll remember to take a before photo of the tower before I declutter. Remember, I'm not just throwing away or sending stuff off to a thrift store. I'm giving all my selected supplies to a young girl who loves crafting but has no means to buy her own. Not only does she get to discover all kinds of techniques and media, but since she's young her mom joins her and that's some quality time they have together!

Okay, I better tackle that tower that terrifies me into trembles (how's that for alliteration?) 
P.S. (A special shout out to Faith of Daffodil Cards for being my cheerleader in this venture. Besides the positive reinforcement, she has some beautiful cards to inspire all her visitors!).

Happy crafting, all!_

Monday, March 18, 2024

Another One Bites the Dust

 Today's decluttering produced 7 cards and a bookmark. The only reason I stopped was to feed and walk the dog, then jump on my spin bike! I now have two large bags of craft supplies for a budding new crafter, a full recycle bin, several more empty containers/drawers, and less anxiety knowing that my basement has a chance to be a livable space again.

I started with the bookmark since I found a watercolor that I had made last year. When I'm not happy with my watercolors. I cut out the part(s) that I like and keep them for future projects. Using leftover die-cut stars, macrame string and a die-cut butterfly, I finished off my bookmark with a sticker that reads dream.

I had two pre-cut cards and envies that I discovered in my decluttering and used leftover papers as card fronts. I cut out the birthday cake from a transparent sheet of scrapbook paper and added small paper flowers and a sticker  reading wish; I used a stamped Thanks sentiment on the other large card and added a die-cut paper butterfly.

The card in the very front has a pop-up vase of flowers in the middle. I created this card from a leftover card kit I had made for a workshop before Covid. The others are card and envie sets that I used patterned papers, ATCs, stickers and flowers to create feel-good note cards. The one on the very left is actually a three-fold; I decorated the front and left the inside clear in which wo write a note to someone special...

During this declutter so far, I have learned that:

I buy supplies impulsively, mostly when things are on clearance or offered at thrift stores. 
I am a paperholic and since decreasing the number of cards I make after Covid, is not a good trait.
I save too many "pieces" and "ripped" or "broken" supplies thinking I can find a use for them.
I don't have as much space as I have craft supplies.
I should have bought real crafting storage i/o thrifting for furniture/bins/shelving haphazardly.

Does this mean I won't visit a craft or thrift store or buy supplies before I really need them? Probably not, but I will have a good think before I get to the cash register and hand over the cash for it all!!

Keeping it real, crafting peeps!

Friday, March 15, 2024

Birthday Cards Today


Today I'm showcasing the birthday cards I made from the misc. stash leftovers I've been cleaning out, organizing and donating. Again, I mostly used die-cuts and a few pre-colored images I had from leftover projects. It was a quick and satisfying chore. 

I also managed to go through a few small tubs of trading cards o take to Geek Toys, whose owner bought a nice amount from me earlier in the year. They are all from my mom, bless her soul. She loved non-sport trading cards, especially of her favorite sci-fi shows, like Star Trek, Babylon 5 and Stargate. Unfortunately, they didn't generate as much cash as I had hoped, but I got rid of another bin taking up room in my basement. Yay me!

I have another appointment with my Whole Health coach. I'll continue to work on decluttering my craft supplies (Lord knows I have enough to keep me busy for another few weeks). My next target is punches and scissors and wooden-block stamps. But I'm seriously trying to get my A1C numbers down as well as cholesterol, which ties in with weight loss. Luckily, I have access to a dietician, kinesiologist and my very own spin bike (okay, the spin bike is an old Schwinn without a working display, but I can still pedal).

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Using My Stash


Today I created 10 notecards from a pile of misc. crafting supplies I left out on my desk last week. I mostly used die-cuts, ATCs and stickers, so it went pretty fast. The history behind the cards is interesting...

I have a habit of naming the New Year. 2024 is the year of Whole Health, I joined a program offered by my hospital and they offer so many programs that touch on the concepts of whole health: physical health, emotional health, personal development, weight loss, mindful meditation, sleep therapy, spiritual awareness, kinesiology, surroundings and social activity.

I even have a coach who guides me to plan out how to reach my goals, which also means accountability. If I don't reach my goals in the time allotted, we revise the steps I need to take to succeed. For the next two weeks, I'm working on my surroundings. 

My house has become a storage building, holding furniture, collectibles and items from my mom's and my gram's houses, which my sisters and I cleaned out and sold after their deaths. Most of my basement and garage are filled with furniture and things that my sister can't let go of, but doesn't have room for.

I admit that the rest of the overcrowding is from my ever-growing stash of craft supplies. This situation is making me feel overwhelmed, anxious and depressed. My mission is to declutter, organize and label my crafts, creating order out of the chaos. I listed the craft supplies by category; for instance, this first week I went through my alpha stickers, printed images, 12x12 papers, diecuts, lace, ribbon, trim, buttons and envelopes.

I emptied 12 containers and bins, and found a ten year old girl whose passion is crafting. Her mom works with my sister, and she has received a large bag of craft supplies from me. She and her mom created a vision board together and had so much fun. I have filled another large bag with papers, stickers and card kits I made for some workshops. And I am just beginning!

So now you know how I came to create these notecards. I also made 9 birthday cards which I'll post another time. Meanwhile, happy crafting, y'all!

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Gearing Up for Spring

 I have a bone to pick with that groundhog! He said we can expect a mild winter. Yes, it has been mild...until last night!! I spent yesterday wearing a light hoodie outside while running errands and walking my dog. This morning I wake up to SNOW!! I had to dig out my icy melt and throw it on a couple icy patches of sidewalk! It's cold out there. I heard we got 2 inches; not a lot, just enough to remind us that it is still February and the groundhog is not always accurate...

Meanwhile, my crafting mind hsas already turned to Spring projects. I pulled out a rusty metal wall decor from my garage yesterday (pre-snow). I had bought it sometime last year and forgot about it until now. I had to sand it, using WD-40, and clean it well, before applying gesso and paint to it. My front porch is painted blue, and the railings are white. So that's the colors I chose for this project.

I used spray paint as a base, then went over areas of the leaves with acrylic paint in a few shades of blue for some depth. After I got the effect I wanted, I sealed it with gloss varnish so it can weather the weather. It looks great on my back door right now, and as soon as it warms up a little, I'll place it on the front of my house.

Oh, forgot to mention the wire butterfly I added to my decor. I actually used gloss varnish on it as well in hopes of making it last long into the Spring and Summer. Have fun crafting, peeps, and don't trust that groundhog!!

Saturday, February 10, 2024

From Thrift Store to Living Room


Another day, another thrift store upcycle. I had stored this credenza in my garage, where it waited for inspiration to come. It came to me this week, so I had my daughter help me move it into the house, where I assessed the damage. Dirty, of course, with a few tears.

I decided to paint it white as a base color, when what to my wondering eyes should appear, purples splotches and dots, as if someone had shaken a bottle of purple hair dye and the cover slipped off! That dye or whatever it was bled thru three coats of white paint!!

I knew I had to either paint the whole thing purple (ugh) or figure a way to conceal the splotches. I had previously purchased some colored wax for just such an occasion, but did I have a viable color?? I found a teal wax. Wow, my living room furniture is teal (2 chairs and a couch), and the artwork on my walls have some teal in it.

I chose to try the teal wax, It came out lighter than expected, but it worked against the pale yellow walls. So now I have a credenza/cubby unit for my living room. The two bins on the right hold our winter accessories (top) and Honeycomb's winter wear (bottom). The rest of the bins hold our art supplies (pens, pencils, markers and assorted).

I originally had a four-cubby unit, which is now stuck behind one of the LR chairs awaiting its fate. Now I have storage for all the bins I keep in this room. And I am happy, which is what I strive to achieve on every art project I create. Does your artwork and crafting make you happy? I hope so!!

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Another Thrift Store Furniture Upcycle


Having some time on my hands, I brought up a small vertical shelving unit from the basement. I found it years ago and did nothing with it except use it in the laundry room to hold detergent, dryer sheets, etc. While my gf gave me her double-shelved shoe rack when she moved, it just took up so much room by the front door. So I finally got to work on this skinny set of shelves.

It had gathered a lot of dust and stains from being the "laundry cart", so the first thing I did was to clean it thoroughly. The cleaning was not enough, so I brought up my paints, brush and a sponge. I decided to try my hand at mixing colors to give it a marbled effect. My colors were black, copper, rose gold and silver.

I'd never tried this painting technique before, so I came into it blind. I chose to go from dark to lighter colors, and it paid off. Using a damp art sponge, I dabbed on enough black to almost cover the surfaces (I started with the top). It was still almost wet before I added the copper and then gold.

When it came to adding the silver, I lightly dabbed the paint on, not only filling in unpainted spots, but going over the whole surface o blend in the colors. I really like the outcome. When it came to the inside of the shelf area, I used black. After all, our shoes would be going in the cubbies as we go through the front door, as well as guests.

My next furniture upcycle is a credenza with cubbies for those fabric bins everyone loves. I have an overabundance of these bins, and will replace a smaller unit with the one I'll work on. 

Bonus photo: I'm stopping here at my computer personalization project with this result: