Ink colors my fingers, And glitter coats my hair. My craft room’s like a crime scene With Copics everywhere. I seem to’ve lost my scissors I should clean, but where to start? It really doesn’t bother me ‘cause my heart is in my art.
So now you know what inspired me to doodle a new page in my art journal. Of course, I had to use the sentiment I usually use on cards around Easter time, "I love bunnies, short and tall, but I love chocolate ones best of all". Maybe I should have used a brown pen for my bunnies??? (P.S. Did you catch the "extra" bunny in my drawing? He's hiding behind my drawing, but he forgot how long his ears are...).
My nephew and his family often join me there. They are pool people, while I love to relax on the deck, listen to music and sometimes drive out to the antique and thrift stores. Besides grilling, we make campfires and have enough marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate to feed ourselves and any guests that are around the fire each night.
So my art journal page today is inspired by those nights sitting around the fire, enjoying s'mores and good company. I did a pretty good rendition of the fire if I do say so myself! LOL
If you attempt this type of doodling, I'd recommend you draw it in small doses, taking a break for your eyes! LOL Meanwhile, my "new" art journal is filling up fast. It seems I only have time (or energy) for some quick drawing. I should be able to spend more tine on painting and crafting starting next week. Yay, me!!
Today I'm featuring one more Zen doodle. It started with a rectangle, and after adding a smaller one on top of the first one, I was inspired to make it into a cake. It has four tiers, which is a whole lot of cake!
But it looked lonely by itself in the middle of my page. So I added some decorations at the top, then some along the bottom. I am NOT a lover of white space, so I thought a few balloons would complete the drawing. and it does, so my work here is finished, at least for today.
I mentioned in an earlier post how I have several different kinds of journals going at the same time. Well, I have one filled with "future projects", and I need to start trying some of those I've listed instead of being distracted by new pins on Pinterest or supplies I uncover while cleaning out and organizing my crafting area.
Once my sister goes back to Germany and her hubby, I can take some quality time with those supplies and create at my leisure. I'm itching to paint, and I have empty shadow boxes lying in the dark, calling my name to fill with holiday scenes. Oh, so many projects, so little time! LOL
But she took my car and went off to meet her best friend, so I had the day to myself. I used a thrift store find and painted the front in three of my fave colors. The words are put together with leftover stickers and rub-ons. It's about 8"x8" and something I must remind myself of every day. Life is precious and I should not stress about the small things. Sound familiar?
My sister turns 60 in May. My youngest sister; I'm the oldest. We lost mom almost three years ago. Mom lived with my sister for 6 years and the loss has been harder for my sister than I and my other sister. I miss Mom just as much as my sister, but I am coping with her loss better than she is.
Anyway, for her 60th birthday, my other sister and I, have planned an overnight trip to a tourist/historic place in Illinois. She doesn't want to know ANYTHING about the overnight, until we reach our destination. So we sent her 2 verses each of poetry (mine is on a previous post). Today I am featuring the "reveal" that I created for her.
I stumbled upon some Lemon Head tins in my stash- cute little things that have handles and look like mini-suitcases. I covered one with acrylic paint first. Then I created and printed out details of our trip and accordian-folded and adhered the pages into the suitcase.
Besides the trip being her birthday present, I filled a pop-up photo album of Dee from the time she was a small child through present day. It has pics of us together, her growing up, and with family. I bought the album at a thrift store for an awesome price of $1.50!! It's pictured below...
I hope she feels loved and supported, and special for her landmark birthday year...