After cleaning off my desk and putting my craft room to rights, I started my creative play time by embellishing and papering a chipboard album I picked up at the store. The covers were already decorated with a travel theme, so I used DCWV's Travel Stack to cover the six chipboard pages inside, along with a pretty peice of patterned paper in the photo window on the cover. A metal charm from JoAnn's Essentials line completed the album and now it's up for grabs at Scrapbook Place on the Party Board. It has a vintage look, and I plan on doing another one in a beach/tropical theme for those lucky enough to get away this summer.
Looks like we'll be staying home this year. We didn't go anywhere on spring break, which is our favorite time to travel south, nor does it look like we'll get away this summer. Supporting our adult son while Experian holds his life in their incapable, two-faced, lying hands has taken a financial toll on us. To explain my deep feelings against Experian, our son is a victim of debt fraud. After filing the police report and reqauesting action from the financial instritutions who evidently put "his" debt on his creit report AND GETTING NOWHERE WITH THEM (namely CHASE, NATIONAL CITY, HARLEM FURNITURE AND HSBC BANKS) we fileda dispute with Experian, who assured us that by PAYING THEM a monthly fee, they would help him get the bad credit off his record. Don't believe it for a second. They won't do anything except give the financial institutions ample time and many extensions of said time to drag it out. If you are in the same boat, make detailed notes of each phone call to Experian, because what one person says is totally different than what the next person says!
This has been going on since February. Out of five bad credit issues, three are left, one of which is a duplicate of another account that was cleared by the finanacial institution but was filed illegally by a collection agency. It seems they can get away with double credit hits by adding a couple zeros onto the same accounts.
Go check your credit report at www.freecreditreport.com if you haven't this year. You may be surprised by the results--we certainly were!
So my son, who has committed three years of his life to the Army Reserves, can't ship out to Basic Training until these issues are wiped off his credit report. Anyone know who can help? Lawyers won't take credit report cases.
So my son can't ship, he can't get a job because prospective employers check the credit report before hiring. His life is on hold because someone stole his name and information and racked up some illegal credit. And we're suffering from his depression and the cost of supporting him. Ugh!
Sorry, this was supposed to be a light offering about my creativity. I'll stop, promise!!