PagesPat's Ponderings

Sunday, October 22, 2023

31 Days of All Hallows Eve - Day 22 - Cute Halloween Kitchen Scrubbie


Today I created a kitchen scrubbie with a Halloween theme. When I was younger, my Gram taught me to crochet. I dusted off this talent from the deep dark corners of my memory, using orange and black netting, or tulle that I had bought over a year ago. Using single and double crochet stitches, I formed a (round) pumpkin shape. I added more black to turn the pumpkin into a Jack-o-lantern.

These scrubbies are great to use on non-stick pans, as they won't damage the coating on the pans. I sold some at a craft fair this Spring, and those who received one as a gift are avid fans of their strength and usefulness. In fact, my nephew snagged a couple more to replace the ones he had.  I had made another one without the face (but my nephew took that one).

I think I'll make a few Christmas-colored ones for stocking stuffers this year...


1 comment:

Uschi said...

Well done! Your work has become a beautiful kitchen cleaner. Stunning idea to have a pumpkin as a template.
Thank you for submitting your stunning project to the current Everybody Art Challenge.
Hugs, Uschi