PagesPat's Ponderings

Friday, October 20, 2023

31 Days of All Hallows Eve - Day 20 - Pumpkinhead's Morning After -the conclusion

Bonesy stopped in his tracks, struck still by a terrible thought. His fiance's mother had long dark hair. . She had been a witch, and as far as he knew, she still was. Then he did get sick...

How was he going to get out of this fix? If it were his "almost" mother-in-law, did she tell his fiance about his behavior? "But I didn't do anything!" he argued loud. "It was a Bachelor party!"

He started trotting down the road, being very careful so he wouldn't fall. The way his luck was going, he'd probably lose his the pumpkin on his head, or smash it on a rock, or something else terrible and awful. He made it to the fence marking the cemetery property line. He sat down to think when he saw out of the corner of his pumpkin eye another skeleton...with a pumpkin head!!

He rushed to it and realized it was his fiance! "What happened to you?" he cried.

"What happened to you," she screamed in startlement. She was dressed in her wedding gown and had been crying. "She didn't wait for Bonesy's explanation and blurted out, "Your father saw me with my girlfriends in a restaurant and he thought I was flirting with the waiter. He yelled my name and some words and the next thing I knew the restaurant was clearing out, with skellies screaming, and my head was a p-p-pumpkin."

"Same thing", Bonesy said, "only it was my bachelor party and your mother cursed me." He got down on his bony knees. "Ima, I still love you and I don't care if we both have pumpkins for heads. Let's elope right now!"

Ima Goner smiled through her tears, pulled him off his knees and answered him with a kiss. So that's what they did, and they lived spent the rest of their lives time happily ever after.

The End

1 comment:

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

Glad they lived happily ever after hahaha,