PagesPat's Ponderings

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Back from an Alternate Universe

At my most recent trip to a thrift store, I was lucky enough to come on a Monday, when the whole store is 50% off. I found two flat-backed vases (urns?) and paid $7 for the pair! They are ceramic and heavy and the perfect size for my newly-sealed and painted front deck. Perfect in size but not the right colors!

So I pulled out my spray paint and acrylics and colored each a creamy white. I even spray painted the cording and beads on each side and bottom. I left the cording near the top opening gold.

When I bought the vases, they each had some old, moldy fake flowers on their fronts. I decided against adding new ones, since I would be filling each with faux flowers. And here are the finished deck decor standing on each side of my front door!

Note the mailbox and address plaque. I had painted them both, along with the light post (not pictured), to coordinate with the deck before the new blue sealer/paint. So I took them off the siding and painted them as well. 

1 comment:

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

What a marvellous result from a pair of thrift store buys, Love the blues, it all looks so neat and beautiful.
Faith x