PagesPat's Ponderings

Monday, September 16, 2024

Congratulations to Miss Flower Garden Troll of the Year


I couldn't resist altering another vintage troll before the Fall season is upon us. Her name is Rose, and she is a horticulturalist with a flair for fashion. She just won this year's Miss Flower Garden Troll contest (no such thing, I'm making it up. My blog, my rules). Here she is posing for her fans in a gorgeous wall hanging my daughter made for her room.

After removing her original hair, I used a lone red rose for her new "do". Its leaves form her dress. She has accessorized her outfit with red earrings and painted her toe and finger nails a matching red as well. The rose is for her Auntie Pearl, whom was featured in an earlier post along with Pearl's hubby of many years, Blue. They were in the audience with their foster daughter, Carroteen, the night Rose won her title.

She's now off on a world-wide tour, visiting trolls in many countries and making new friends. She hopes to bring back cuttings and seedlings of the various flowers she finds during her travels. If you see her on one of her many stops, please give her a warm welcome. She's left you an autographed copy of her photo below...

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