PagesPat's Ponderings

Monday, August 5, 2024

Meet Pearl and Blue - Fun Vintage Troll Makeovers


While surfing a flea market last week, I came upon 2 vintage Trolls that were popular when I was a teen/young adult. They called to me, singing, "Buy us Pat. We need makeovers..." So of course I bought them and played with them. Their names are Pearl and Blue.

I've seen these trolls pop up on Pinterest sporting faux succulents for hair. I didn't have any plants that I liked, so I hunted down alternate "hair" for my little guys. For the old man, I found the perfect flower petal. I really had to work hard to give Blue an extreme haircut, but afterwards the flower fit perfectly on his head. Not pictured is the small butterfly that is resting on his flowers. I also gave him a bowtie and eyebrows.

I treated Pearl the same when it came to cutting off her hair. I have a huge collection of pearls and beads for crafting, so I wanted to make her sparkle. Besides her new do, I gave her a pearl necklace and earrings to match. 

Not a huge makeover, but one that I enjoyed doing. And Blue and Pearl seem to like their new looks, so it's a win-win...

Challenges I am ENtering:

Love to Craft - Anything Goes

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