PagesPat's Ponderings

Friday, October 13, 2023

31 Days of All Hallow's Eve - Day 13 - Spooky Sunflowers

Today's make is deck decor. I spook-cycled my deck planter into a frightful floral decoration. The skulls glow in the dark! 

I only used craft supplies that I already had on hand. These include glow-in-the-dark paint spray, large faux sunflowers, my trusty glue gun and the vase formerly holding beautiful red tropical cannas. The skulls were left over from previous Halloweens projects. I can't wait to see them glow this evening!

Did you know that the sunflower is the official symbol for ALS? I didn't know that fact until my husband was diagnosed with the disease. Two out of every 3 people diagnosed with ALS, which has no cure< are veterans. Both my husband and I are veterans. My daughter got a tattoo of a sunflower in memory of her father. Every May is ALS Awareness Day.

On a lighter note, according to Google, sunflowers symbolize unwavering faith and constant orientation to the sunlight. It originated in the Americas, has been known to grow up to 30 feet tall, and its seeds are edible. I had one growing at the edge of my backyard, but I cut the flower off before the seeds were ready. Next year I will be more patient...


Alphabet Challenges - N is for NATURE
365 Days of Halloween & Christmas - Most magical anything goes for Halloween/Christmas
My Time to Craft - In the Garden

1 comment:

Helen said...

A beautiful display - sunflowers are always such a bright and vibrant colour.

Thanks for joining us at the Alphabet Challenge.

Helen x