PagesPat's Ponderings

Thursday, October 12, 2023

31 Days of All Hallow's Eve - Day 12 - Halloween Wind Chimes


During COVID, I tried several new techniques and media new to me. One of these was making window hangings from branches and sea glass, shells and stones. Today, I dug out my supplies and created Halloween wind chimes decor. This was NOT an easy project for me.
I am the original "fumble-fingers" and today was no exception. I think I spent four hours (!) putting this one together. The beads kept slipping from my grasp, and the balance in it is not quite right. But I finished it, and it's hanging up for all to see, so "live and learn" is my motto. I like it (somewhat) but I don't know if I'll keep it for next year.

Do you know where wind chimes originated? It's believed that they were used as early as 1100 BC in China, although older wind chimes have been discovered. The sound of bells were used to ward off evil spirits aid the flow of chi and increase positive energy. They signify wisdom, charity and compassion. Today, many people give wind chimes to someone who has lost a loved one. It is believed that the sound of the bells means that their loved one is near. 

When my husband died, I didn't know this belief. But I would buy up wind chimes during summer clearance sales. I love the sound of the bells chiming in the breeze. Maybe my subconscious already knew it would comfort me? Either way, I hope my wind chimes scare away any ghosts, goblins or ghouls... 
Challenges I am Entering:
Craft Rocket challenges - Halloween/Autumn 
Get Creative - #126 Purple, Black, Orange, Green

1 comment:

Heather said...

Looks like an interesting project - not we see a lot of at our card challenge! Definitely great Fall color choices, and happy to see you stretch! Thanks so much for playing at Make My Monday!