PagesPat's Ponderings

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

A Hoarder's Serenity Prayer


So it's been almost six months since i started my deep decluttering project. Emotionally, I was in a state of overwhelming despair. Even thinking about the clutter in my house kept me from action; seeing the clutter made me angry but left me drained of energy.

It all started with the sales of my mom's and gram's houses after my sisters and I lost them. It was difficult to give away so many years of memories, especially for my youngest sister. In order to get the houses ready for sale, I promised her I'd store some of the things she couldn't make a decision on keeping or not. Temporarily.

It's been over three years and my basement is still full of mom's collectibles, trading cards and some furniture I'm not interested in. My garage has more of the same. I have to admit that 30% of the clutter is my own, craft supplies that were overflowing, unused since I got them or otherwise not necessary.

My healthcare system offered a program called Whole Health, which covered help and support in all the facets of a person's health: physical, emotional, spiritual, social, psychological and environmental. I jumped at the chance to get my life back together (and my house). Starting with identifying my needs, which to me were physical health and improving my environment (which ultimately led to emotional).

Since I started in this program, I have sold a  rare set of limited edition books and several bins and boxes of trading cards, the proceeds which were added to my mom's estate. I've also donated four trash bags full of craft supplies and kits to a young aspiring crafter, as well as a local family resource center. The Salvation Army has received several donations of clothing, small furniture and misc. items as well. My recycling and garbage cans have reached record highs on trash day. I also have pied up numerous EMPTY storage tubs, bins and baskets!

I still have a long way to go. But I can already start to breathe more easily. I take it one day at a time, even one trip to the basement at a time. When I do the laundry, I either pick something up and put it away, or clean out a drawer or shelf.  My basement is not ready for me to invite people over. When it is, and it will be, I'm going to celebrate with a Brunch and invite family, friends and neighbors together to celebrate life.

Meanwhile, I rewrote the Serenity Prayer for fellow hoarders and craftaholics, and hope that they be inspired to take their first step toward freedom and organization in their own environment. 

1 comment:

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

Such a hard thing to do Pat, I got rid of magazines some from 2007 this week after reading your blog. I really admire you as it was difficult. I still have a bit to go, and really have to do it, as my crafting is not as frequent as it was. Take care, my friend, and keep going, you will get there. Hugs x