PagesPat's Ponderings

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Birthday Wishes

 My mom is so cute. She turned 87 last month. Since we were all quarantined, my daughter and I created a poster, taped it to the glass on her screen door and rang the doorbell. And hid! When she opened the door, she saw the poster. Then we walked over by the door,keeping our distance, and gave her birthday wishes and virtual hugs and kisses.
This weekend, she and my sister stopped off at MY house to wish me happy birthday. They came wearing masks and said, "This is a stick-up!" and then Mom presented me with her own poster.
 She used digital images I had  given to her to color when she got bored during the quarantine, adding little quotes for each that corresponded to me growing up. AND she left some coloring for me on each of the images! So it's interactive!! LOL
Anyway, it's so nice to actually see them outside getting some fresh air. I mean, at least Wendy and I get to walk the dog every day. And even tho it snowed yesterday, it's in the mid-50'sF today. Anyway, now you know where I get my crafty genes from - my Mom!!

Happy crafting, y'all!

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