Every year I choose a couple people who I am truly grateful that they are a part of my life. I called my doctor, who diagnosed me with diabetes, and who started me on the road to renewed health. My sugar level is normal without insulin or medication, I eat healthier, I bike and weight train, and enjoy Spinning classes once or twice a week, and have lost 37 pounds. This from an attitude at the end of last winter that made me donate all my skinny clothes!!
I called my online buddy Linda and thanked her for her Yahoo group invitation, her friendship and her support.
I called my girlfriend Sue who has had a rough year with a new divorce, angry teens and bitter ex. She has supported me through as much as I have been there for her.
I wrote my son, and thanked him for all the years of joy (and anguish) he has given me, and to tell him how proud I am of him. He is in Bootcamp, on his way to becoming an Army M.P. I can't wait until his Holiday Leave!
This year I have ruthlessly cleaned out my closets and drawers and yes, even my craft room, trying to put the concept of simplicity back into my life and my lifestyle. I have donated most of the largess. I have also given of my time, my talents and my treasure to needy causes, like Catholic Charities, my parish's Youth Group, the local Food Pantry, and supporting Awareness for Breast Cancer.
I keep a journal at my bed, in which I close out my nights with a short list of the things I am thankful for. Some days the list is very short, thanking him for basics like a home, a family, a job, heat and food. Sometimes it's longer and more frivilous, being thankful for purple nail polish, the Goodwill store, a steal of a deal at HobbyLobby and pistacchios!
Whatever my day, I end with my own silent song of gratitude. It helps when the "I Wants" creep up, like a replacement for my Canon camera, or my lost iPod with over a 1000 songs. When I look at the list of things I already have, it puts into perspective how badly (or not badly) I really NEED the iPod and camera.
So on this Thanksgiving Day, remember what you have, cherish it, be thankful for it, and laugh off some of the things on your Wish list.
As my father used to say, "Blessed are those who do not expect, for they shall not be disappointed".
Happy Thanksgiving